Every Book Ever Written About the Children of God Cult πŸ“š

Children of God book covers

Following is a list of every book about the Children of God cult, also known as the Family. Since I was raised in this cult, I've been compiling this list for years now. Here they all are, for anyone who's interested in finding their next great read or wants to dig into the whole lot.… Continue reading Every Book Ever Written About the Children of God Cult πŸ“š

Energy Drink Cage Match Drinkpocalypse πŸ”‹

Energy drink collection

The first time I visited my local grocery store in Belgrade, I was captivated by all the cheap energy drinks that I’d never heard of. I’m a regular sugar-free Red Bull drinker, but I’d be happy to find an alternative. In addition to Red Bull not necessarily giving you wings (according to a certain class… Continue reading Energy Drink Cage Match Drinkpocalypse πŸ”‹

10 Fleek Tips for Your E-Scooter Glow Up πŸ›΄

E-scooter rider with flames shooting out the back

When I moved to Washington DC a year and a half ago, I quickly came to love the e-scooters you find all over the sidewalks. Turns out some cities (e.g. Austin) are even more fun for scooter joyrides, because they don’t artificially limit the speed. But DC is cool enough. As a now-veteran e-scooterer, I… Continue reading 10 Fleek Tips for Your E-Scooter Glow Up πŸ›΄